Drastic: Prax

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2005 08:31:38 +0100

> Look up the reference to the Winter Palace in
> Drastic: Prax.

Which is a pre-HW/HQ publication that the majority of this list probably don't have access to, and the list rules say we must not assume they have access to.

> The Winter Spirits were imprisoned
> there during the Golden Age whereas the Greatlands
> do not have problems with the Outside until
> the start of the Storm Age.

There seems to be a bit more to it than that, and rather different wording. Since I'm one of the lucky people who *does* have a copy...

"Winter Ruins
Ruins of the Palace of Winter
In the Godtime, the Sun God's daughter once complained of being cold, so Genert took all the cold gods and imprisoned them in their palace. There they remained during the Golden Age, and so the worth was always warm, One day, Trickster convinced the Sun Daughter that she was too warm, so she asked him to make her world perfect again. The prison was thus eventually broken (some say with Thunder Bird's aid), and the winter gods aided their cousin Ragnaglar in ruining Tada's Land. Only one deity remained, the gentle White Princess, who stayed behind to help the mortals her father and brothers had harmed.
The Winter Ruins are grand and magnificent, even in their broken state. The stone is a translucent white, which glares like ice when the sun's lights reflects fcrom it. The ruins occupy the only spot in the Dead Place where magic works, for the palace held up Storm Bull's shoulder, keeping it from touching the ground. Like her kin, White Princess has left the old ruins, so now any spirit can be found here."

I can't find any specific credit for that, so it's presumably by Steve Martin. Copyright 1997.

There's another interesting fragment on p36, "Mighty Storm Bull was the last defender against... The Devil... With the aid of Fire and Water, Earth and Ice..."
Ice? Do we have a hint of Inora, here?

P31: "The Winter Spirits.. Are mostly evil and feared... White Princess is the only friendly Winter Spirit."

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