Re: Re: Winter Animists

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2005 19:00:21 -0700

> >The fact is that the whole 3 world system is odd to me in some ways. I
> >know Greg has said that there is a point to it and concentration and the
> >Hero Wars are involved, so I'm trusting when we get something like ILH2
> >and a better explanation of concentration we'll understand it all a bit
> >more.
> >
> >
> One gets the impression that it'll be quite a bit later than that. Not
> that I've seen ILH-2 to know for sure!

It doesn't occur in ILH2 - ILH2 concentration is on "The Moon", which allows you to worship beings that provide any or all types of magic (because the moon is both an Otherworld, and part of the Middle world, and exists on on three Otherworlds (and Hell), at the same time - it's a twisted bit of theology!). It's basically treated as a fourth Otherworld that is mixed magic. (On the other hand, you may be able to get a bit more out of concentration by reading ILH2 - I did by helping write it...).

Nothing is as Red, White and Blue as the three worlds model makes it out (I would say "Black and White", but there's three worlds, and most of the readers of the list belong to countries whose flags have RWB as their primary colors - this isn't an intentional attempt to impose "Americanism" on the list, really!).

All religions (a bad use of the word in HQ!) are mixed. Some, like the Ortlanthi, have a predominant strain (Theism, say) with varying amounts of the other systems thrown in (Animism in Kolat and Serdredosa, but no dam' Sorcery<spit>, oh, except that wierdo Torvald). I haven't done an in-depth survey of the Dara Happan religion, but there might be some spirits or essences masquerading in there... The entity is usually worshipped with the "proper" rites - Kolat is worshipped with animist rites, not theistic, even though the main religion is theist. (Torvald, however, si sworshipped with Theist rites even though he's a sorcery entity, 'cause his worshippers jest ain't right).

Some religions worship whatever is available (Teshnos, say). You worship your entity with the correct rites (as told you by your religious leaders - even if they are "misapplied"). Since we don't really have a Teshnos Religion sourcebook to examine, we don't know the historical reasons why this is.

Some religions worship "mixed" beings - the Lunars certainly do, and Hell is full of them (chaos too, probably). They are worshipped with rites that are "correct" for them , yielding no "misapplied worship" penalty. Note that they *are* misapplied if you try to worship a "real" God/Spirit/Essence with them!

People will worship what and how their culture dictates. While "no-one knows the numbers", they'll find the "best" solution (ie, not Misapplied worship) for themselves as often as possible. But sometimes it just can't be done. The historical record gets murky, and the people end up performing the "wrong" rites, but continue doing them for cultural reasosn ("It was good enough for grandad, it's good enough for you, boy").

To me, misapplied worship is Glorantha's (not Greg's, or Robin's or mine) revenge on mini-maxers. "What, the ways of Waha aren't good enough for you, you want to worship Sword Man? Fine, suffer and ye shall be rewarded." Misapplied Worship is rarely (okay, the Aeolian church, but that's a fringe group, really) a main way of worship, instead, it's for wierdoes that can't hack the faith of their ancestors.

C'est par mon ordre et pour le bien de l'Etat que le porteur du pr�sent a fait ce qu'il a fait.
- Richelieu

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