RE: Post-Life

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 08:30:08 +0100

> I'm certainly more interested in having dead
> characters interact with the living ones than having a
> side-quest where the dead guy has to do his stuff all
> on his own.

It does sound more like fun.

> It would be cool to expand the 'guardian'
> rules or something so that players can use the ghosts
> of their characters in some way to help out the party.

Divine Companion, perhaps, if "Guardian" isn't quite what you want?

> Certainly the rest of the party could tie up a
> medicine bundle or something and snag the soul of
> their dead friend before it floats away. The only
> issue is how that character will look on paper. No
> one wants their character sheet reduced to 'sidekick -
> spirit ally' and three abilities.

Well, those abbreviated descriptions of sidekicks, allies, NPCs, and so on are only a game-construct to stop them overwhelming the place, after all. You *could* write down every retainer in full loving detail if you wanted to, it just wouldn't be all that useful (until your main PC died and you promoted one of their followers to PC status). Write them on paper however you want - the standard character sheet may need a bit of adjustment, you may need a new Keyword for "soul embodied in sword" or whatever, but the basic principles will still apply.

I'd suggest that perhaps embodying in an animal rather than an inanimate object would give them a bit more self-volition, but then again, a sword that wields itself could be fun.

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