Re: Re: Winter Animist Practice or Tradition

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 19:26:04 +1200

Tony Davis wrote:

Firstly don't top-post.

> > >where some people have secret knowledge

> > Namely?

>Namely? Namely you. Put all this stuff in game
>material so people can understand it.

I just did. I said it doesn't happen in Glorantha. What more do you need? If you want further detail then this isn't the forum for lengthy philosophizing.

>The very fact
>that a whole bunch of people said "Huh?" means that
>you, Greg, Sandy, et. al. did a poor job of explaining

What is so difficult to understand about the statement "Belief does not make Reality in Glorantha"?

>And when you get antagonistic, it makes us even
>more confused.

You still haven't given any indication about what the source of your confusion is so blaming me for being not helping isn't actually helpful.

>You are part of the group of people who think they
>know more about Glorantha than other people do. So
>publish it. Put it out there. Let us see it.

I've done all that and more.

>Otherwise, you can say 'no no no' all you want, but it
>is really hard for me to take it seriously because I
>still don't get it.

I still don't understand what you don't get.

>It seems to me that when we talk
>about HeroQuesting, character can use it to change
>reality according to their beliefs, their insights and
>their wishes.

But they don't. In the specific instances that have been described, heroquesting cannot:

--Peter Metcalfe

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