OT: Reaper point give-away!

From: Norbert Franz <norbert.franz1_at_...>
Date: 23 Jun 2005 23:50 GMT

Hello all.

Does anybody on this list here happen to collect any miniatures by the Texan company Reaper Miniatures?

The make excellent fantasy pewter minis usable for all fantasy worlds, in the 25mmm "Heroic Scale" (TM). Their famous lines include, first and foremost, the Reaper Dark Heaven minis and the Warlord minis.

Every individual miniature comes packaged on a blister card that includes a "proof of purchase" point on the back. You can cut those from the cardboard cards and collect them to get Reaper merchandising later.

Since the company won't send any merch to Europe, the proof of purchase points are not good for anything where I live. I can either throw them away when I unpackage my minis, or give them to somebody else. That's when I thought of you out there!

Every regular fantasy mini gives you another +1 point, and by now I must have about 30 or 40 of them at least.

For about 20 points you can get a sticker and for 50+ points you can claim Reaper baseball caps and T-shirts with their mascot and logo on them.

In case there are any American fans of Reaper who'd like to add my points to their total, just let me know. Drop me a line off-list and I'll just mail you the collected points from my cards in a little envelope. This won't cost you anything at all. It is strictly a give-away I'm running. First come, first served.

Have a good weekend everybody,

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