Re: Plans, shocking and distressing confession

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2005 17:23:04 +0100 (BST)

> but here is the rub: some materials were added that
> are, frankly, wrong.
> All I can say is, "By the brass balls of Orlanth,"
> or "Arrggh," or more succinctly, "JFC."

Ouch. I can sympathise with that. After all that effort to get it *right*...

> And, since I have noticed these changes to my
> intended canon in several
> items that were published while I was away from the
> helm (most of them
> nowhere near as wrong as things in SR!) you can
> expect to see some
> corrections on the official site.


> And, in the meantime, I sincerely hope my process of
> trying to keep
> everyone informed of the situations at Issaries
> (like confessing to these
> cock ups) does not alienate people, but rather
> pleases everyone and
> reinstates your faith is Issaries.

Works for me. Basic Orlanthi principle - everyone makes mistakes, and fixes them. Basic Vingan principle - admit to defeats, and learn from them.

Anything the rest of us can do to help?

Jane Williams                 

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