Tweaking the list into a narrative

From: Light Castle <light_castle_at_...>
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2005 21:09:44 -0400

On Sat, 2005-23-07 at 19:06 +0000, Rob wrote:

> Hi LC
> Its a quantum leap for most folk. What I normallly do is get them to
> give me a list of 10 abilities they would like, and then start the
> narrative.

That's an interesting approach. It took a while for the list of 10 to even work. As the abilities show, they got over it. Maybe I could ease them into narrative now.

> Bolthor is and Esrolian hunter and devotee of Zong the Hunter. He
> likes to shut up and listen. Always getting into trouble, he
> manages to get out of troublke by the skin of his teeth. He uses
> his there/ not there feat to make people fear him. Although he
> posses the unrecognizable face, folk always ask 'I've met you before
> haven't I? He is totally unable to scare children.

That's HILARIOUS! Those abilities were, of course, from 3 different characters. But this is a very interesting method. I might see if I can get them to go with it.



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