RE: Re: HQ still doesn't make much sense

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2005 07:18:46 +0100




> far as the "changing the original goal" thing, I sometimes find that a
> bit tricky to deal with. Take the famous example of the barbarian
> changing a debate into a seduction; I'm never sure why the APs for the
> contest as it stood should stand. Surely this is a new
> contest now, no?

When I'm struggling with this sort of thing, I try to think of AP as modelling your confidence in your ability to win the fight. Where that confidence is from could be anything : the knowledge that you're behind a hedge, the way bits of your opponent just fell off, blind faith in your deity, whatever. But it's confidence, intangible, and not affected by changing abilities. When you run out of it, you give up the fight.

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