Re: Sacred Time rituals in play - saga style

From: Tim Ellis <tim_at_...>
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 15:43:20 -0000

Diplomatically, I agree with both Jane and Jeff! Where someone is using a straight forward "always on" Augment like "Strong" or "Tough" then we certainly don't need a narrative description every time (which was laways the problem with such abilities in HeroWars where the "always on/Automatic" concept didin't really apply). I suspect you would want more description if they were rolling in an attempt to get a bigger augment though(?)

Sometimes less "obvious" traits can still be taken as read - A Warriors "Hate Lunars" when fighting the Tax Collectors guards, or a Barntari farmers "Pride in my Work" when ploughing his fields, On other occasions though, you do need some narration to place the ability "in the frame" for the contest. (And yes, if you get sick of hearing someone describe the same trait the same way for every contest it probably does mean they are over-using it).

Encouraging what Jane is refering to as IC justification really pays off when you get Internal Conflict - when the character has to choose between two possibilities. Everyone can see what you are doing, but due to the "Internal Dialogue" then the GM and fellow players can see why you are doing it too...

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