Re: Sacred Time rituals in play - saga style

From: Jeff Richard <richaje_at_...>
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 14:53:25 -0000

> I'll keep thinking - I'm sure there's more to it than that, and
maybe I've
> got a problem about to jump out and bite me. But this campaign's
been going
> since long pre-HQ, and no lists of adjectives so far. Just some good
> improving) writing.

Just curious - when you were playing pre-HQ, did you require the players narrate their strength bonus or hit points? Many automatic augments are simply the HQ version of a strength bonus or a high constitution. For example we have a character with a Tough of 10M or so. He routinely uses that as an augment in combat - I, as the GM, really don't need a narrative description of that.:)

Again, YPMV.


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