RE: Re: I've mislaid a Rigsdal variant

From: donald_at_...
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2005 14:11:30 GMT

In message <20051219071718.BMLL29634.aamta11-winn.ispmail.ntl.com_at_homemaster> "Jane Williams" writes:

>I'd be interested in hearing your ideas. I just don't see how the
>basic concepts mesh. I mean, Rigsdal and Elmal, it's the "stand
>watch, don't be distracted" concept in common. Rigsdal and Humakt,
>it's "see the truth behind illusions, stay honourable" (oh, and
>kill things). But Rigsdal and All-father? What's growing crops and
>fathering kids got to do with being a solar type on watch?

Think of Orolmarn the herder watching over his herds during the great darkness. That may be the distinction between Elmal and Rigsdal. Elmal guards the stead as part of a group who keep each other awake and performs rituals like sentry inspections. Rigsdal just sits or stands there alone, maybe outside the stead, watching for wolves, chaos or whatever.

How's this? Elmal gave Orolmarn the star Rigsdal to help him when the herds were at pasture too far to be brought back to the stead at night. Possibly explains why Rigsdali are so rare, most Heortlings don't have to pasture their cattle that far away but for those who do it's an important subcult.

Donald Oddy

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