RE: Multiple Initiation

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2005 06:55:14 -0000

> All this talk (so long ago, have I not had time to answer
> things since October?)

I do hope whatever you've been doing instead was enough fun to be worth it.

> about Ernalda reminds me of something. During the Windstop, only
> the Ernaldans who view Ernalda as the wife of Orlanth lost
> their magic, right?

I believe this to be the case - IMG I insist on it being the case, because I'm not having gaming in the rest of the world messed up by one scenario. Quite why Ernalda's magic should go when it was Orlanth who was Dead, not her, is still beyond me, though, even in Sartar. Her magic doesn't derive from his.

> On Thursday 27 October 2005 8:13 pm, donald_at_... wrote:
> > And Holay. One explanation is that in those places Vinga is not
> > the daughter of Orlanth but some other deity. Or perhaps she's
> > loyal to her mother rather than her father. Major Heroquests
> > can do this sort of thing.
> Since I first encountered her, I've thought Vinga probably
> has different myths
> in Esrolia. I suspect she is still Orlanth's daughter (her
> storminess needs
> to come from somewhere), but primarily loyal to Ernalda. If
> she wasn't Orlanth's daughter, who else would qualify?

Someday I must dredge up my theories on the evolving history of Vinga, and persuade them to fit all the lovely new myths we've got. But yes, it seems entirely reasonable to me that she has different parentage in other areas. In Saird, frex, she more or less *is* the Red Woman, and her father if any is irrelevant.

And look at those Orlanthi myths - just why do we have myths in which she *proves* herself to be the daughter of Orlanth? A bit defensive, isn't it?

>(her storminess needs to come from somewhere)

While Vinga has wind powers, they aren't her primary function. Somewhere where she isn't Orlanth's daughter, she might have stolen them from him. Or from any other Storm deity. In fact, you could re-write the "Vinga proves she's Orlanth's daughter" myth into "Vinga tricks Orlanth into thinking he'd produced yet another daughter from a one-night stand and gets a Wind off him".

In Esrolia, though - I take it you're assuming one offspring per husband-protector? Yes, it's hard to see how Vinga could be anything other than the daughter of Orlanth there. Esrolia isn't culturally far enough away from mainstream Heortling for there to be major changes, I don't think. There's a difference in emphasis - Vinga is a worthwhile combat goddess *despite* being the daughter of Orlanth, not *because*. And the other goddesses will have myths in which Vinga's storminess and consequent unreliability are beaten by their more earth-related virtues.

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