Re: Re: Sleepytime Ernalda

From: Lightcastle <light_castle_at_...>
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2005 22:57:56 -0500

Ahhh.. thank you. At least now I have an answer to the "when, mythically, does Ernalda have other husbands?"

So the Sartarite view is Ernalda is in the Emperor's house, is rescued by Orlanth, and they marry. Orlanth is exiled and she takes temporary husbands. Orlanth comes back and is taken again as the one true husband. The Darkness hits, Ernalda goes sleepytime.

The question then becomes, is this the Esrolian view as well? I seem to recall that the Elmali clans in Sartar don't deny the major Orlanth as great god arc. Rather, they have Elmal as the ruler because he led them through the darkness. Does that mean Esrolia maintains the major myth cycle, but just draws their political/leadership structure from the myths of the time when Ernalda had many temporary husbands? In Orlanth's exile, Ernalda found the strength in women's rule? This would make Orlanth's death (as opposed to exile) a way to take out Ernalda as well.


On Friday 23 December 2005 10:27 pm, parental_unit_2 wrote:
> For what it's worth: _Thunder Rebels_ p. 146 gives what I presume is
> the 1620s Sartarite view of Ernalda's husbands other than Orlanth.
> She took "temporary husbands" when Orlanth was in exile during the
> Vingkotling Age. This was after she was married to Orlanth. The
> "temporary husbands" included Elmal, Heler, and Vestkarthen (Lodril),
> as well as a number of other obscure entities. They also included
> Orlanth in disguide as "Dashing Veradash".

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