RE: The Missionaries

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2005 01:26:27 -0000

> How soft is "soft"? you learn that by experience, same with
> scent and it varies between fruits. Now imagine a fruit you've
> never seen before, you can only see the current stage and try
> and work out whether it's ripe or not.

True. The exotic fruit counter is fun. But I've learnt all this, by experience as you say, with no magic required. And no necessity or starvation to drive me to it.

Still, Greg's given us the "real" answer now. I *can* learn by experience and by being taught - it sounds like they couldn't.

> >Still, that's the RW, and maybe Glorantha is less cooperative.
> Well they have chaotic plants which may appear ripe when they're
> not and appear unripe when they are. This may be why there are
> as many Uroxi as there are in Sartar - chaotic plant life is
> probably a bigger threat to people coming into a new place than
> chaotic inhabitents. Visions of a party of women gathering
> berries guarded by an Uroxi who suddenly decides to chop up a
> bush.

Yes, I can just see that. The inherent dangers are greater than in the RW.

> >> Then again we use magic to determine whether stuff is fresh
> >> or not - the supermarket label giving the "best before" or
> >> "sell by" date.
> >
> >Good grief, you don't believe/trust those things do you???
> I don't but I know people who do, religiously. A classic
> example of skill being replaced by magic and that's in a
> supposedly rational world.

And I suspect "religiously" was exactly what you meant there, too (sigh). If Orlanthi missionaries are encouraging and enabling people to think, not trying to stop them, there's yet another reason why it's the best religion I know of in any universe, this one included. (Before the flames start, that was "I know of". If you know of a better one, by all means improve my education - off-list.)

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