Re: Newtlings

From: roadsgoeveron <daveolloyd_at_...>
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2006 20:57:54 -0000


Hmmm. I rather like that. It also seems to fit in well with Alison's idea (see previous e-mail) that the wandering bachelors come back with new skills and spells and thus earn their breeding rights. Indeed, maybe Praxian spirits are being worshipped somewhere around Handra (scary thought).

By the way (question for Alison), I always assumed that Newtling "bachelors" matured into both males and females, but I admit I've never looked at the material to try and answer that question. Is that not your view? If it is, now that I think about, are they always males and females (just immature), or is it not apparent until maturity (or not even decided until maturity) which sex they will be?


> Perhaps there are a heck of a lot of bachelor newtlings and they
> go everywhere. Those who go furthest or to the most difficult
> places and return get the best breeding spots and mates. Implies
> large broods and a high mortality rate before maturity but I don't
> think anyone has gone into the newtling lifecycle that deeply.
> --
> Donald Oddy

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