Re: Teshnos Beliefs and Practices

From: Santo Sengupta <s.santo.sengupta_at_...>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 18:49:15 -0400

Namaste Greg:

On 5/20/06, Greg Stafford <Greg_at_...> wrote:

> The most important is that Teshnos is a place where multiple
> interpretations of a single fact can co-exist without anyone
> considering it to be a problem. It is a crossroad for multiple
> cultures over history, most of which have left some impact ujpon the
> region?s practices and beliefs. They hav problem scrificing to Solf
> for fire on one day, and to Karkal later, and to Vevimanarandu, the
> Creator of the Universe that is worshipped with grandiose rites in the
> little town of Estavandanu and is unknown elsewhere.

Interesting. So while the Five Fiery Forms Cults are the dominant system, other mystic paths and local gods are tolerated?

How do Zitrs fit into this entire thing? It sounds like a form of Illumination to me..

And oh, let?s no forget that in Mahdarh they worship Bebandanah, who
> is the father of Vai Madar Sa on years when the Oracle of Vi speaks,
> and is the mother of Vai Madar Sa on the years when it writes.

Neat! I'll have to introduce that to my players. I decided that Vai Madar Sa was the Human Incarnation of Vai Madar Sa after he has driven out of the Sky World by Herespur and the Four Hands. The Teshnans believe he was born in the Blue Mountains, and later studied with Darja Danad and learned how to contact the Liberating Bolt.

>> More generally, how similar are Vithelan cosmological beliefs to the

> >> Chalite Mysteries? In my Teshnan game I have hinted that in previous
> >> Ages, before the Seleran Empire, many more mystic lineages existed, but
> >> were systematically exterminated by Sheng Seleris and his followers as
> >> part of their Atrocity Rites.
> This is absolutely true. In the land of ease, opulence and luxury live
> many traditions, many schools, many philosopies. Many of these are
> thought to be new, but are vestiges of long-lost meditational schools,
> while others are thought to be vestiges of long-lost meditational
> schools, but are new. They all have a wise teacher, who is sometimes
> truly wise; and bodies of students that shrink and grow depending upon
> temporal fads or the changing flux of Truth.

Excellent. Quite like the ebb and flow of different schools and philosophies throughout Indian history.

> I really see the Teshnan, Trowjangi and Melib beliefs as being informed
> > by the beliefs of the invading Blue People rather than Vithelan
> Orthodoxy.
> The Blue People contributed to various beliefs, sometimes maintaining
> their prehistoric purity and at others, mingling and merging with
> others present.

How many Blue People exist in Teshnos? They concentrated on the Isle of Melib, correct?
The impression that I got is that they were mostly wiped out by the invading Ashurtan demons, but their Gods and culture are still followed by the Gachi people. (Who paint themselves Blue, but are not actually Blue People.)

> In addition, the lands of Kralorela, Teshnos and Vormain are slightly
> > unusual compared to other Vithelan lands because they were influenced
> > by the Dragon Dogsalu and his son Govmeranen.
> Yet another set of influences!

I would posit that Teshnos is more influenced by Osdero/Metslya, the Eagle Phoenix Emperor and Light of Enlightment. Certainly after Sekever usurps rulership of Kralorela, most Teshnans are turned off by the whole Draconic path.

"Aum Shanti Shanti Shantih."

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