Re: Ye Booke of Tentacles

From: John Hughes <nysalor_at_...>
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2006 23:03:05 +1000

>(by the way - YBoT # 6 is out!)

It is too.... my copy arrived in the post today. Among the 96 pages of roleplaying goodness there are more than a few Gloranthan items, says he, the editor..

First up, an excerpt from Harmast's Saga for those of you wanting to savour some of Greg's recent writing... touching on Nysalor and his Golden Empire.

David Dunham explores the Lands of God - Jrustela in the Second Age, with maps and HeroQuest keywords. 'Nuff said. .
Stu Stansfield provides a couple of Dragon Pass nasties in his own inimitable style, all in homage to a great horror movie.

Martin Hawley dives deep into mysteries aquatic in The Otherside of the Oceans.

And in a short piece of fiction, John Hughes looks back at the siege of Whitewall.

Plus a great lunar cover by Dan Barker, which I really hope can be made available as a colour poster.

There's also lots of other great stuff as well... the Tentacles Festschrift, a series of interviews by Alex Dotor with friends Greg Stafford, Charlie Krank, David Dunham and Sandy Petersen, Erekose (EC) background from Shannon Appelcline, some *nasty* EC fiction from Loz Whitaker, the Mi-Go explained by Shannon, and a ticklish COC scenario set in the British Museum (those parts not in bloody Sheffield of course).

And you should think of YBOT6 as part of a one-two punch... YBOT 7 is well advanced, a scenario special featuring Simon Bray, Darren Sims and Martin Hawley, among others. We plan to have it available this Fall.

I'll put out a formal call for contributions in the next week or so - I'm letting the Germans catch up on their sleep after Tentacles - but, in line with recent Moon Design and Unspoken Word productions, the drought seems to have well and truly broken.

Huzzah. :)



john_at_...                  John Hughes

  May God us keep
  From Single vision and Newton's sleep!

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