Re: New Law War?

From: Labrygon_at_...
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 07:24:53 EDT

In a message dated 25/07/2006 1:56:38 PM AUS Eastern Standard Time, s.santo.sengupta_at_... writes:

> "The New Law War: Ancient deities
> transform themselves to overcome grim foes that rise from the Deep
> Mysteries."

If it were me running this, I'd make the New Law be the Butcher's Law of Waha - following a barbarian invasion from the wastes. Possibly linked to the Loper People, following the discovery (or not) that the Lopers are the children of Artmal and Eiritha.

Giant crabs from the seas might also take part but I can't tell you why.

But that's just me, having a particular interest in Waha, Lopers and barbarian hordes invading. The more historical analogy-minded might look at the Moghul conquest of India.


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