Re: Where is everyone?

From: L.Castellucci <lightcastle_at_...>
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2006 19:00:38 -0500

On November 15, 2006 03:23 pm, Jane Williams wrote:

> That makes much better story - let's go with yours! So
> when the MRQ2ndA book gets delivered by Santa, I'll go
> too. There you are, something to look forward to :)


> then again, IMG I've known the GLS for years...

To be honest, I picked up the MRQ2ndA book in its massive "Hot New" display at the FLGS (which carries one left over copy of the HQ rulebook and that's it, insisting "no one buys that game") and flipped through it.

I read the GLS, and I still don't understand why it was a secret. We knew they messed with the Gods, how was that a secret?


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