Re: Re: Eastern Islands: jungle, monkeys, temple and Extended Contests

From: Philippe Sigaud <sigaud_at_...>
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2006 17:06:06 +0100

> Most EC don't take very long, I found, often not going more than 5-6 rounds
> if starting APs are in the 30-50 range.

Yeah, that's my experience also. Whichi means I'll rank possible 'attacks' : get the most interesting ones early, and a big one for the very end. And then some others to fill in possible voids.

> Having a massive AP difference between the jungle and the PCs could be a
> problem if you let the jungle overwhelm them with high bids. (You could do
> the jungle as a main entity with followers and the players as a leader with
> followers and have high APs all around.)

I think on some events everyone may have to roll, while just one person will be enough in some instances.
I'll let my players organise themselves. They are quite good at that. That would give very different challenges at each scene/round. Survival a scene 1, climbing for scene 2, fear or magic on 3, some fight on 4, etc.

> Re. the players, I don�t think you should assign a leader unless
> they suggest it - try to let them choose who is the actor each go
> and the others can augment. That works in my experience.

That's my experience also. I hope each round will be different. EC tend to be (IMG at least) 'get the related ability, augment it, get help from others, then fight'. I very rarely see change in abilities during a contest. My bad.

> If the contest is taking too long, just rank up the bids and with
> it, hopefully, the drama. In theory, the players ought to do that
> too, naturally.

Yeah, that's something I like in HQ. You can pace it as you wish.

> p.s. The other thing I think no-one mentioned yet is: have one or
> more of them taken off in a raid. PM me if you want my suggestion,
> one I have used in the past and hope to use again in the future.
My wike gave me her authorisation to take her character as prisoner. I'll try!


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