Re: Re: Need ideas for The End of The World

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2007 17:32:47 +0000 (GMT)

> I think that's a fine way to play it.
> I pretty much assume everything is on the heroplane
> and doesn't affect the
> world large scale and that's it.

I get even more fuzzy. I play that you have "practice" level which interacts with the mundane and can have bring-your-own-opposition, and you can have full-on HeroPlane, and you can have GodPlane, and there is a sliding scale between these not a set of discrete steps. And you can move between levels during a quest, quite possibly without realising it. Which is probably a more technical and detailed way of saying the same as Sam.

> On January 31, 2007 11:56 am, Sam Elliot wrote:
> > I don�t really understand what the differences
> between the Planes
> > are. I don�t think I especially want to - it�s a
> dreamy place where
> > weird things happen which can affect the real
> world. That works for me.

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