Re: Moon Design - Printing update

From: Rick Meints <rjmeints_at_...>
Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2007 23:25:04 -0000

Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...> wrote:
> BTW, a warning to people who've bought PDFs before and
> are expecting the same as before. This time, it says
> "Copy/paste disabled" and it means it. Which is a bit
> of a nuisance :(
> Also, "Blood over Gold" is 37.5Mb, so anyone not on
> broadband may want to plan their download carefully.
> I've now read through the lot trying to work out why
> it's so big, and can't - but it's good! Loads of stuff
> in there. Just one special mention: the "Rates of
> Travel" table, with full explanations of how terrain
> etc. will cause it to vary, is on p9. And that, at
> least, is usable in any bit of Glorantha or indeed any
> other psuedo-ancient/medieval universe.

The disabled copy/paste setting was set by mistake, and I have removed it from every product I could find that had it.

Blood Over Gold is so big because I wanted the maps to print with a decent bit of clarity. I could drop the file size down to under 10 MB, otherwise.

Glad you've liked the books.

Rick Meints
Moon Design Publications

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