Re: where's the Scenario?

From: Tim Ellis <tim_at_...>
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2007 12:49:49 -0000

In one way, you could say that every scenario should involve at least one NPC to whom at least one PC has some sort of relationship -  Why else would they get involved?

The success or otherwise of this approach will depend on your group and their expectations. Some people will be happy to invent new realtionships in order to fit in to the scenario - "OK, next week, you'll be going to Skullpoint, - who do you know there?"
Others will be happy to have the GM assign them relationships "Well, when you get to Skullpoint, the first person you encounter is your cousin Tuli, who invites you to stay with them" While others will not want to change their backstory just to accommodate your scenario -
"Skullpoint? no, never heard of it, never been to that part of the world. All my cousins who have left our clan moved North to Tarsh..."

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