Re: What's The Story? Under the Red Moon Challenge

From: Alison Place <alison_place_at_...>
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 06:24:15 -0700 (PDT)

Well, other than it turns out that John meant it to be wine, it would have to be very fresh blood to flow much at all. We get blood splatters at work (Canadian Blood Services), and it's not a very fast-running fluid.

> Yes, and a torc (which one? Kheldon or Sartar?) and
> that golden necklace with seven discs that we've
> seen before in John's pictures.

Actually, I'd assume that the necklace is amber or copal. They're round, and strung on a leather cord, which is very typical.

The man's got movement runes all over his right hand and wrist, and a partial one (slight rendering error?) on his upper arm. With the Earth connections and the strong Sartari background, the gems might well be cherry amber. It's Earth-connected, more valuable than regular amber, and very desirable.

Another possibility is carnelian, which is really a red-orange, but the lighting's so dim that you can't tell. I do know from personal experience that most people think at first that a good red (often dyed) carnelian is garnet, but garnets in that size are unusual.


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