Re: Re: odds

From: L C <lightcastle_at_...>
Date: Fri, 06 Nov 2009 10:18:23 -0500

Yeah, it always struck me that the idea in HQ is that people of about the same mastery level are very evenly matched, with big differences noticeable when you shift over a level.
Mind you, since most games seem to have everyone clustered around the same level except in their specialties, this means most things are toss-ups. At the same time, I suspect this is the point. Only roll when it is an interesting contest and all that.

If I recall from the old spreadsheet that calculated odds, one of the things that is interesting with HQ is that due to the weird edge effects caused by bumping and masteries, the actual odds bonuses for a given spread of points and for a given augment or situational modifier is not obvious. +3 or +6 in a 10 v 15 situation does not change things exactly the same way as it would in a 13 v 18 situation. All you know is your odds are "better than they were".

Neil Smith wrote:

>It depends on your expectations. In HQ, you need about a mastery
>over someone to have a good chance of defeating them. So long as everyone
>knows that, I don't see what the problem is.

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