Speaking of....[Re: Idea on gifts and geases]

From: bethexton_at_...
Date: Tue, 04 Sep 2001 18:35:55 -0000

I think this is very cool and well thought out.

Now, my question is all about Yelmellian gifts and geas. They always struck me as a little odd, given the otherwise very standardized nature of the Yelmelian cult, or for that matter most solar cults. Additionally, now that we know about the Elmal/Yelmalia split we notice that there is nothing like it in the Elmal cult.

Does anyone know if there is a mythic background to why all yelmelians get these random gifts and geas? Just some speculation in the absence of facts here:
- Perhaps it really is all standardized but the young cult doesn't have the initiatory (etc) quests mapped out well enough to understand what to do where to get predictable results? - Or maybe there is some random type factor in Yelmelio's past that makes the results so odd ("that pre-dark injury on his foot never healed properly, and nothing has been quite perfect since," or "At this point you'll have asked for and been given a certain gift and geas, but then the boggles chase you down the spike, and after that you'll find that much is changed").
- Or maybe Yelmelio has more of a sense of fun or some tricksterish side that the general population has yet to recognize? -Or maybe it is some lingering effect of mythic tinkering....the evidence that when nysalor was formed other myths were broken, or maybe the god learners spliced some other minor entity into Yelmelio?

If anyone knows the reason (either game-world explanation, or the background as to why the cult was given this random table), I'd love to hear it. If not and anyone has more wild speculation, that is always good too :)


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