Re: Re: Invisible God

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2001 14:40:10 +1300

Morgan Conrad wrote:

>O.K., sure the Invisible God is "different" or "mysterious", but
>using that as the reason why theistic Gods can provide constant,
>relevant information to their communities and IG is, basically,
>useless seems a bit of a copout.

I didn't say that the theistic gods can provide constant, relevant information. The limitation on divinations (TR p74 onwards) make it pretty clear the limitations on divination to them.

As for the Invisible God being basically useless, he isn't. I just said that reaching him was a problem.

>If you can't obtain the measurement, you don't know it, and you have
>no factual basis for saying that IG knows it.

You can prove that the Invisible God knows everything. And you can check this out by asking incredibly obscure questions and receiving accurate answers. The God Learners did this.

>Maybe I'm too practical, but, if Thor, Wotan, and Apollo could
>*really* be visited and *really* talked back and provided direct and
>useful benefits (spells, feats, good crops etc.) to large numbers of
>people, it's hard for me to imagine the Judao-Christian-Islamic
>faiths, much more IG-like, ever catching on big-time.

The Invisible God provides far more benefits than the False Gods ever will. Even stooping to the short-sighted criteria of "what's in it for me?" that barbarians habitually use, the following benefits are readily apparent:

--Peter Metcalfe

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