Re: Invisible etc.

From: Jeff <jeff.kyer_at_...>
Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2001 14:34:16 -0000

"The Gods are angry!
"There is a curse upon our clan!
"We must find the wrongdoer before our crops fail.
(Enter the heroes, to find out what's gone so wrong and save the day.  It makes for good roleplaying - which, I think is the point of playing Hero Wars)  

> >re: Solace. Is this something that worshippers know about as a
> >fact? (or reasonably provable fact) I always assumed (without
> >thinking much about it) that Solace was like Heaven, something
> >on faith alone.
> Solace is fact but most Malkioni only know that it is fact on
> the basis of their authorities (in much the same way that I
> know what the speed of light is - whether this is still faith
> is an epistemological issue that isn't worth arguing about
> here).

And the fact that they can get a taste of it in their worship ceremonies, IIRC. I vaguely remember that Hrestol was able to PROVE its existence, wasn't he?

> >As for Western Sorcerers being (arguably) superior to Theistic,
> >that's because of a better "scientific" [sic] understanding of
> >Magikal principals.
> And since the theists cannot apply the sorcerous methods of
> analysis to their magic to refine it, this only shows up
> the superiority of sorcery.
> >IG has little to do with it, as proven by the
> >atheistic Brithini who are the best sorcerers!
> The atheists believe the Invisible God exists, their understanding
> of it resembles the cosmology of Benedict Spinoza - God is the sum
> of the laws of the Cosmos. The Brithini are only the best sorcerers
> because they have had longer to practice.

Imortality does give one the opportunity to get really, really good at your favorite spells...  

> --Peter Metcalfe

And fewer moral compunctions about research, design and deployment of spells.


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