Re: re: Hiding in Plain Sight etc...

From: Graham Robinson <graham_at_...>
Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2001 17:45:07 +0100

> >A reasonable point based on a false assumption. I don't believe that
> >theistic gods give anything resembling constant, relevant
> >information.
>I sincerly hope that your belief is true! However, the recent
>Hospitality discussion, as I read it, says that Orlanth himself
>provides good background info about the stranger. And Peter, an
>informed source, says that Orlanth warns the clan whenever anybody
>has done a bad thing. Both of these are relevent, and one is

Again, I think you are mis-reading this. Orlanth (more likely the wyter, IMO) provides information that the stranger has taken an action which is against the hospitality oath. Orlanth may send agents of reprisals against the clan when someone either takes an action that breaks his fundamental laws or willingly reveals themselves to Orlanth - during holy day rituals - to have thoughts which are against these laws. In no case has anyone seriously suggested that Orlanth can read his followers minds, and even there has been discussion of how people could hide heresy even during direct communion with the god.

All Orlanth can know is action taken in areas he is powerful, or what someone allows him to know during ritual contacts.

>greg writes:
> >I know large numbers of living real people
> >who spend considerable time, energy and money on religions that seem
> >(to a materialist, at least) to offer no tangible benefits.
>But, in the real world, there is no obvious, well-known "Orlanth"
>alternative that provides both spiritual solace and provable,
>tangible benefits.

I think that most people of a religious frame of mind (rather than the 'we go to church because its expected' brigade) would argue that their religion provides exactly that. They may not be tangible to you, but the benefits of religion are to those who believe, whether it is knowing that a loved one has gone to a better place through the love of Jesus, or the local shaman cured my illness.


Graham Robinson

Albion Software Engineering Ltd.

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