Knight's Fort and Barbarian Town

From: Mike Gibb <m.gibb_at_...>
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2001 13:16:24 -0000

Does anyone have any details/ideas about Knight's Fort and Barabarian Town, or know where I might find some? Specifically in 1614, when Broyan and co. are garrisoning Knight's Fort (according to Tradetalk#5). I have a small band of (former) Orlanthi rebels getting their first taste of Prax - having already been suitably unimpressed by Heortland and the Aeolian Church - "Why have they built that stupid building on the hilltop? How are you supposed to be the wind indoors? ...And what do you mean they sacrifice cows made out of bread!!!?"

Also has anyone got any more Hero Wars-specific details for the Beast Riders and their traditions? I have downloaded the gen from Issaries' website, but is there anything else out in the public domain yet? (I'm thinking of all those people beavering away on the PraxPack project)


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