Re: Followers, what have you got ?

From: steveroyle <ikhurasan_at_...>
Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2001 14:06:14 -0000

I am a wargamer and I run HW, have done since I first got my hands on it. All my group bar one, and she's female, are wargamers. We have a very enjoyable storytelling, lots of mythic type stuff time. The idea that a wargamer cannot storytell is quite laughable Oliver, and if any of you guys forget how a wargamer can be a good storyteller, remember Roan-Ur at Convulsions acouple of years ago, he was a wargamer! :-)
What you may not know is that most wargamers get in to wargaming because they have a love of history, and that is the greatest story ever told.
So guys let's get rid of these wargamer misconceptions and embrace one another, as we are after all, just one big bunch of geeks :-)


Still Loving that Black Moon

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