Re: Seeking advice on Heortling Consequences

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2002 12:34:22 -0800

> And frankly, it serves that stupid clan right for having such a terribl
> eperson (a Eurmali!) amidst them.
> I say, hang 'em all, now!

It all comes down to politics in the end. How well thought of by the clan? the chief? the crusty-old-fart-conservative Earth Priestess? The new-agey liberal Storm Voice? Does the chief think that it was an attack on his dignity? Did the PCs bother to ask anyone for advice, or just come up with this brilliant plan on their own? Are they known hot-heads and troublemakers, or solid members of the clan that made a mistake?

Everybody *will* have their own opinions, and *will* have them heard at moot. A problem of this magnitude ("chaos *invited* onto the tula?!?") means that extraordinary measures will be called for, and shouted down. The PCs should be happy at anything less than Outlawry...


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