Re: Re: seven mothers

From: Pete McAveney <mcaveney_at_...>
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 21:14:56 GMT

>On the other hand we have a tribes and clans destroyed, slave
>farms established, attempted destruction of a temple and the Lunar
>Army marching on to conquer another country scant years after
>defeating Sartar. Do the math.

Let's remember that the Sartarites DID rebel - several times - and did push back the Lunar conquest according to the only history of the Hero Wars that we currently possess. (Alternative futures are, well, alternative.) Most of the so-called facts at our disposal come from that history and are not unbiased.  Most of KoS was written by the victors.

The Lunars may be making an effort ... doesn't mean they aren't massively incompetent or working at cross-purposes with themselves. Perhaps we have no facts because they haven't been reported yet.

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