Re: Reincarnation (was "Chaotic Bat")

From: hairyorlanthi <mdawson_at_...>
Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2002 15:08:27 -0000

I believe some of them do, Guy.

But on the broader question:

I had to think about this since I've got a bunch of ancestor worshipers in my game.

Spirits exist in a timeless place outside of the Middle World.

Live people who visit there impose a semblance of time on it, but that's temporary and as I said, just a semblance, more a way of viewing it than its true nature.

Once an ancestor visits the timeless afterlife, he is ALWAYS there, even when he reincarnates. Because once you exist in a timeless place, you always exist there, barring the action of unnatural forces like chaos or God Learners. Think of the nature of time and reality as described in _Slaughterhouse Five_. Think of the way that encounters in a heroquest can be from any time or place.

I think this holds true for theists and animists.

You could even make a case for one's connection to the spirit world being a result of the level of awareness you have of that part of you which always exisits in that other realm.


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