Re: Take part in the Battle of Whitewall

From: Roderick Robertson <rjremr_at_Asx_L-rizs_gA1YY_Fg-dlm30Rr606yIMGvTFw-Rbk4XBwhSmJo3_b3ozL4MNKRV5ACsT>
Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2007 13:48:52 -0800

>> Only if you're talking about Ducks - and how many Uroxi Ducks do you
>> know?
> Do ducks have a monopoly on that particular speech impediment? I was
> thinking about this destined-to-fail business which John H. explains
> nicely
> somewhere referring to ducks (I think).

When using the word "twagic", I think ducks *do* have a monopoly.

I think Uroxi can't even *know* the word, as it has two syllables. Which is two more than what they understand (or are "Urrgh" and Unnh" real syllables as opposed to simple sounds?)

He was born with the gift of laughter and the sense that the world was mad R. Sabatini, Scaramouche            

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