Re: Nandandies Re: Real World Vingans

From: Michael Hitchens <michaelh_at_Vp6qB3XPKistRNjHq29C_PdEDGNNeiFfFaroE3sz5T3xc7Bbs-wpIrgGNAIsq7MIljs>
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2007 10:52:15 +1000 (EST)

On Thu, 5 Apr 2007, Jeff Richard wrote:

>> Well... some of them. Maybe. There's some stuff about
>> Red Women giving their fertility to Ernalda to look
>> after. Whether the other, *more* dedicated Vingans can
>> get pregnant is never stated in Storm Tribe; the RQ
>> ones specifically couldn't.
> There never was an official RQ writeup for Vinga, so I am not sure
> what you are referring to. However, it is pretty clear that Vingans
> "can" get pregnant - just like monks "can" father children and nuns
> "can" get pregnant. Not a good idea though and generally diminishes
> your link to the god (or goddess).
>>> But it is taboo and good way to get
>>> in big big big trouble with the gods and with your
>>> clan.
>> It's very definitely not the Vingan way. But simply
>> getting laid by a good-looking bloke: well, why not?
>> It's fun. The body-parts are there - enjoy them!
> Because you run a risk of getting pregnant - even with whatever
> abortifacients, charms, or feats that are available. Unless it is
> with a prescribed role (Yinkin, Heler, Eurmal, Nandan, etc), it is a
> bad idea because for a Vingan to have sex with a man because it angers
> Vinga (who got in big trouble when she did it) and the other Thunder
> Brothers. And runs the risk of getting Divine Wrath visited upon your
> clan.

Errr, not sure about this

Storm Tribe quotes from (p.170"
"After death Vingans ... may go to Orlanth's Hall or visit any of the Thunder Brothers when they want to enjoy men" "Women who die in childbirth are honours ed the Red-Headed Lodge" "She [Vinga] is a lover of many"

I can't find any prohibition - or even adversity to - sex in the Storm Tribe write up. And that a Vingan has her fertility unless she joins the Avenger subcult and takes the red vows to me indicates at least the possibility of pregnant Vingans.

Somebody said the after death quote doesn't mean anything for the still alive, but my impression of Gloranthan cults, and Orlanthi in particular, is that the afterlife is a better reflection of life. I can;t remember any examples of the afterlife specifically encouraging worshippers to do things that were frowned upon in life. So if the occasional sex romp is held out as an afterlife reward for Vingans, my impression is that that is allowed (possibly even encouraged) behaviour in life.

Aren't worshippers supposed to be like their gods? So if Vinga is a "Lover of many" then one could conclude that so shoud her worshippers be

Anyway, that's my impressions, corrections welcome.


Dr. Michael Hitchens
Senior Lecturer, Department of Computing Macquarie University            

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