Re: Humakti temples

From: Kevin McDonald <kpmcdona_at_K5cDYhwOxy6GoX7RgCa0zEdc-FoNTlQkFCvVPwHe_FBdnc1X8XZRaXFi64Z2EU_HmX7>
Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2007 20:27:36 -0400

On 8/25/07, L.Castellucci <> wrote:
> I think it has been discussed before that the Storm Tribe model isn't how all
> Theism works and that even there the use of 3 affinities at all times was not
> supposed to imply that all deities only give 3.

Good point! I have a tendency to generalize from published sources too widely. When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail...

> In my game there is a Humakt affinity for Separation - as it strikes me as an
> important part of his mythos.

I see Separation has Carmanian Humakt's higher nature, from which his affinities manifest. Death, for example, is the Separation life and death. If I depict Humakt with a truth affinity, then it is the separation of truth from deceit. The carmanians would certainly revere a god that cleanly separates Truth (that which is in accordance with the will of Idovanus) from the Lie (that which opposes the will of Idovanus).

> Hope any of my ideas help.

Definitely. Thanks!

~Kevin McD            

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