Re:2nd Age Languages

From: Keith Nellist <keithnellist_at_iDCJHm8YdZXhwiKV_vNsWBdEeTXqcLkmdXV2iHGw8TaqUlaUbxGb7NyVpfxV-13>
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2007 19:34:46 +1100

In my second age game I had people speaking Theyalan, Jrusteli, Tradetalk, New Wyrmish and Pure Horse. Exiled Prince Asacar the Black and his mercenaries spoke Carmanian.

For the never finished freeform "Paps of the Goddess" I had language as one of the plots, with character out to teach people one or the other language (mutually incompatible as they were). In addition I had plans for a "rename the High Llama as Alticamelus" plot which tied in with a fake High Llama Khan plot.

Here's some old stuff I wrote for that - it may not fit in with canon as it is now:

There are many people from all across the lozenge in the Paps. Many speak the same languages but to assume everyone would understand each other is unlikely. However, fortunately there are two magical methods of communication that feature in the Imperial Age that facilitates understanding between disparate peoples. One is Tradetalk, the language of the Middle Sea Empire, which is magically easy to learn and understand. The other is Wyrmish, more a way of thinking than a language but it makes communication easier, if a bit sibilant. Unfortunately, these two methods of communication are not very compatible, and have side effects. Wyrmish is good for peculiar emotions, new thoughts, speaking the unspeakable and the hard to define. Tradetalk is good for simple emotions (Sale now on! Buy one get one free! All you can eat for under a 5 clacks!) for old ideas, for stating the obvious and for defining and classifying the world. The key idea for Wyrmish is a "thesaurus", for Tradetalk it is "dictionary".

The two primary characters interested in spreading the two languages are Saraska the Caravaneer for Tradetalk, and Varajiia Nopor for Wyrmish. Other characters with an interest are Lord Pavis, Joraz Kyrem, Hofhalados, Tish Pistos and Valastos of the Seven Pens.

Varajiia has religious reasons for wanting everyone to speak Wyrmish, because speaking draconic is the first step toward thinking draconic and being draconic.

Lord Pavis is a Wyrmish Scholar and prefers the magical efficiency of Wyrmish. It is the only way to think the thoughts needed for a new world.

Joraz Kyrem is a Tradetalker as are many chieftains among the Horse People who made deals with the Sea People who settled in the Valley. Tradetalk is suitable for bargaining, for dickering that Joraz excels at. Obviously, Pure Horse People have their own language, but do not want to share it or sully themselves by teaching it to foreigners.

Hofhalados is a Tradetalker and can see the value in everyone speaking this simplistic half-a-language. Opportunities in language teaching, and also copyright, trademarks,

Tish Pistos, being a scholar and cartographer, is an avid Tradetalker. Being a scholar, Tish is in a position to "define" a word.

Valastos of the Seven Pens is keen on the written version of Tradetalk, specifically the logical nature of the language and the way that, for example, the classification of animals can be fitted into its scheme of things. It is uniquely possible to brand and manipulate word meanings in Tradetalk, to obtain the copyright and trademark on an item. (The interest in this can be commercial, for example Alticamelus could be trademarked?!?!?) Valastos is not interested in commercial possibilities but, as a scholar, is in a position to "define" a word.

It is very easy to learn one of these languages, but not both. There is therefore a kind of race to get people to learn one or the other. Varajiia has religious reasons for wanting everyone to speak Wyrmish, because speaking draconic is the first step toward thing draconic and being draconic. All Varajiia needs to do to get someone to speak draconic is to talk to them for a while. In return they get a sticker on their name card indicating that they can speak draconic.

For Tradetalk, similar sort of regime. Cannot learn one if you have the coloured sticker for draconic.?

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