>>Certainly Yanafal Tarnils is going to
>>be important as the first Fereshori were used by Great Sister
>>but what about others?
>The Fereshori are in the Lunar Army radiance and there's no
>connection between them and the Great Sister in ILH-2.
Yet she is going to make use of Fereshori - indeed with that size of army it will operate more as Vexillia than anything else.
>>My tentative idea was that the Earth
>>Axes worshipped Hon-Eel but it could be they are a Maran Gor
>HonEel has her own radiance and isn't responsible to the Great
>Sister, but rather her father, Moonson while Maran Gor is
>too remote to have an influence in Peloria.
I'm sure the Darseni have an equivelent "Angry Earth" goddess to Maran Gor. A Lunarized version of that is probably the answer.
There seems to be a choice between having a whole batch of separate cults under Great Sister or having members of certain cults having alternative channels of reverence.
-- Donald Oddy http://www.grove.demon.co.uk/
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