Re: Why is there a holy country anyway ?

From: Chris Lemens <chrislemens_at_GoB6BEEK1X2cOXx03JlRgjyQiwYNlllfgEi8KohSiyHHbQC7n5OO6S8aKwTKeBHt>
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2010 07:26:29 -0700 (PDT)

I've always thought of the Pharaoh as being like the God-Emperor in the later books of the Dune series (without the wormy parts): pursuing a very esoteric path that might involve his own death, fearing that outcome, but fearing other outcomes more.

>From an MGF perspective, if I was narrating in the Holy Country, I'd probably
decide that the Pharaoh is "really" someone, then make his "real" identity a key mystery in the campaign. My favored "real" identity for him would be the creator. I'd probably match that up with the feel of what Peter wrote, because his vision of the Pharaoh has great atmosphere. I'd make the Pharaoh be the third coming of the creator as prophet: first he came as Malkion to bring Solace, then came again as Hrestol to bring Joy, and now has returned as Belintar to bring . . . something that the players have to discover and react to. It obviously has to do with life after death, since both Solace and Joy did. I would say it is something like bringing the afterlife's paradise to life. That seems to play off of his rebirth through the MoLaD quest.

Chris Lemens

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