Re: death by "natural causes" for (some) malkioni

From: Eric Vanel <eric.vanel_at_df-SRm1E0wFjFpT-1n8hE65ZpFmvw3NkGGivjMviq8t0JSRjwoHb2-1ok043LmQfq>
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2010 22:12:30 +0100

With such a husband, princess Anika will have fun at dinner !...

But politic is politic. May it be so.

Eric alias Uasti du Derisy

  Alcuin Bastis, Watcher of the Church of Ashara in Bastis, recently gave a sermon   on this theme.

  He reminded us that Devolution is the inexorable process of existence. Plants   wither, minerals erode, stars glow less strongly, animals and men get weaker   with age, then expire. It is as natural as satiation after hunger.

  In the Old Days, Zzabur led the People to immortality through refusing any   change. Then Malkion came and showed him the errors of this way. The evil   brithini refused to hear the Word and killed Malkion. But Malkion's Sacrifice   infused each of our puny lives with some of his Greatness. This little spark is   called Ashara and allows us to reach Solace after we die if we have been true to   Malkion.

  Malkion's Sacrifice made Sister Death's final call to a door to Solace through   Ashara. It allows us to grow and learn and discover, to live a full life in the   service of God and his Prophets. Death is a begining, not and end.


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