Re: Travel in Satar

From: Stewart <stu_stansfield_at_pP5uwYrq8law44iALW5FNHNWVym67Hv4NL3lxZn7VfazOHYyl4gAP49QaFdA5>
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2011 14:02:35 -0000

> Especially important I guess is the crossing of The Stream.

My suggestion? Ask a duck shaman! They're experts in the mysteries of The Stream. They know the eddies and flows of its moods like no other. They often make pilgrimages quite far upStream, too.

Their wisdom and magic won't come cheap, however. And they're buggers at haggling. A bag of juicy worms; some pretty pebbles; a favour; a case of Lunar gin; a manticore's toof; the price varies.

Some of them might even be able to help. They could sacrifice to The Stream and attempt to placate it -- usually by squawking at it very loudly for a couple of hours until the waters subside; or they could raise bridge of pebbles from the Streambed. (This is especially tiring and requires much gin. Or Clearwine. Or Greydog ale.) The ablest ones will enter a trance (read: have a snooze) before pointing out an old bridge you'd missed previously.

Some of the buggers lead you halfway across a particularly treacherous stretch before waddling off, making the Unequal Exchange rune with their fingers and warbling: "Haw haw! Pluck you, ass-wipe!"            

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