As a gamemaster, I simply put crossing points wherever I want, as long as it fits the story. If a player tells me "there should be a bridge/ford there" and explains why (my grandfather built it, I've been playing on these banks since I know how to walk, etc.) I'll allow it - and it will become part of our campaign.
That being said, there will be very few bridges, which are a wonder of engineering. There will be many fords. Once in Balzar, my players noticed many trinkets hanging from a large bush close to a river. They deducted correctly they were offerings to the stream's Nymph, and made some. Then they waded in the water. One of them managed to - ahem- get the nymph's attention and he spent a few hours under the water with her, coming out completely exhausted but very happy with himself. It's this kind of little things that spice up a trip, make it alive, IMO.
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