Re: About Brithini agelessness

From: orlanthumathi <anti.spam_at_FCgm83nfACj3VNDOne1mVNEm0rnZtrn7jUHtkcnViZg2PHfV7EnKJG0DYAN0KQUeVw>
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2011 23:03:47 -0000

I agree with the others here, that the agelessness is a result of actions, but I would expand on this a little.

I get the impression that agelessness is a result of conservatiism and moderation, the ultimate expression of this being the idea that action causes age. Time is measured by actions, and to reduce the effects of time one can simply reduce the amount of action performed. One might even go so far as to cease acting entirely and to cause everything in ones power to stand still in order to become truely immortal. (Some say this has been achieved.)

This is not only a strong philosophical idea in the west, it has a direct mythological basis and as such can be proven to be true. Hence agelessness can be brought about by conforming to a rigid cultural system rooted in a theological understanding of a once ageless era. This system dictates ones acts and keeps innovation at bay.


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