Re: Pithdaros questions

From: Jeff <richaje_at_wXfI63Bpdio88yInB3AaOdSeKo7Ex-8U82s_l7566FSlDFHcI80ldJVxw5fAel3_0aQN>
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2011 08:50:49 -0000

> Hi, I am looking for more information on Pithdaros (3rd age), and there seems conspicuously little on it to find. What is its relationship with the Kingdom of Seshnela?

Since 1618, Pithdaros maintains a tenuous de facto independence from the Kingdom of Seshnela as part of the Quinpolic League.  

> I have variably seen it regarded as part of the kingdom or else part of the Quinpolic League (maybe the rulers are savvy enough to play at being both?).

Pithdaros as a rebellious duchy of Seshnela and part of the Quinpolic League. Pithdaros is ruled by a Duke (see the Malkioni Q&A at King Guilmarn has made it known that he intends to replace the dukes of the Quinpolic League and assume their titles personally. However, the Quinpolic League is very rich from sea trade and has skillfully maintained their independence for the last three years.

> I also have seen widely varying maps on its geographic boundaries and borders, e.g. some maps show Nolos to the north, east, or west of it(!) so it (and Nolos) variably does/doesn't share a boundary with Seshnela proper. Is there a canonical map online? The Avalon Hill Genertela Book seems to have the most canonical map I can find, and that places Nolos to the north- cutting Pithdaros off from Seshnela itself.

Pithdaros is south of the Duchy of Nolos and does not share a border with any of the provinces held directly by King Guilmarn.

> What role does the Rokari Church or Ship of Life Church have in Pithdaros? I know there must be numerous pagan/heathen cults (and such things masquerading as Saint reverence!) too, but is there a mainstream Church presence or just vying major factions in addition to scores of tiny ones? I like the idea that Pithdaros is a place where it is not just old ways traditionalism (pagan/heather) slogging it out with the big church(es) but also a major stage where the struggle of the Rokari Church to suppress the Ship of Life Church (and others) plays out. Later complicated by the attempts of the Brithini/Waertagi to stamp out St Dormal and thus the Ship of Life Church, but also to crush Seshnela and therefore the Rokari, whereas politically Seshnela is pushing to envelop Nolos (and Pithdaros?).

Pithdaros was not visited by Dormal and so I doubt the Ship of Life sect is terribly important there amongst the common folk.

At least in the Late Second Age (circa 958-973), the Pithdarans were described as such: "The entire Pithdaran people had accepted the religion of Malkion as part of the conditions of living peacefully in the land they had seized. They embraced the cult of Hrestol and its meritocratic advancement, and none were more devoted to the prayers and rites than the Pithdarans. They produced many clerics powerful by their virtue, sorcerers noted for their mental keenness, and advisors for politics, trade, and the use of armies. Indeed, the Pithdarans were so intent and successful that the emperor said, 'It is no wonder we were destroyed in Pamaltela, since those natives there are kin to these ambitious, pious people who are so unlike us."

BTW, the Pithdarans hold to a Rokari philosophy. Among the Pithdaran wise men was Yomili, a great sorcerer who aided Emperor Benalos and his heirs against the God Learners. Yomili was a great Traditionalist Malkioni who opposed the God Learners after the Closing. The God Learners were no match for the direct magical assaults led by Yomili's "Peace and Decency Movement" and his "Sect of the Book" (a proto-Rokari movement). Ultimately Yomili and the rebel Halwal (who had led Fronela and Ralios into revolt against the Empire and Seshnela) met personally (circa 1020), casting great spells of destruction and when the smoke cleared and the earth stopped moving, neither wizard was to be seen. Both nations suffered such terrible losses that they needed a generation to recover.

At least at the end of the Second Age, the Pithdarans were leaders of an anti-God Learner backlash later associated with the Rokari. Whatever their conflict with King Guilmarn, it is not because they secretly worship divine or spirit entities.


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