Re: The Paps

From: hcarteau_at_aSYoX4uegNoMGbfWzWMesP5aVzkbb-UQb4iwmZBW86Ufax80Nv7Ku43LBE7poN0TVKs
Date: Wed, 04 May 2011 10:33:29 +0200

Praytell, who is this "Lizzie Borden" entity ?

Selon Peter Metcalfe <>:

> Grognards lamenting on the change in Babs should bear in mind that
> Axe-happy Lizzie Bordens that want a love life are more likely to join
> the cult of Erantha Gor rather than Babs. Insofar as the older sources
> mention Babeester Gor having lovers and the like, this should be
> understood as a confusion with Erantha Gor.
> The only difference is Erantha Gor is more of a standard warrior goddess
> rather than a holy avenger.
> --Peter Metcalfe

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