Grrr... Haven't bought it yet.
> I will be including a piece on scripts in the Guide to Glorantha.
> That being said, if there are any serious script geeks who would like to work with Greg and I in developing the look of any major Gloranthan script - let us know.
Well... That was actually the idea behind this post. I want to produce sample texts for my Second Age Umathelan game. I believe I would have to start from the script used in the Middle Sea Empire (Western script? Rune-based?)
Another thought I had was that there were two scripts used in Kralorela -- a complex, logographic one used by scholars, and a simpler, alphabetic one used by less learned people. The scholars would declare the simpler script "heretic" -- actually they see it as a menace to their hold on knowledge [This is actually based on what happened in Korea in the 15th century], so anyone using the simpler script would have to do it in secret.
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