Re: Pregnancy in Glorantha

From: Greg Stafford <glorantha1_at_ZVGphyKkHY7T-xeQzzbhMRolAAr02TQdYLHKg9MrgfB7H0cyRDm4ocmyQgdGLNPlK>
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2011 08:43:21 -0700

YGWV On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 2:22 AM, robin <> wrote:

> Sorry, didn't realise there had already been a discussion on the issue of
> pregnancy. However, I still have questions not previously answered. How long
> is the menstrual cycle?

28 days average

> At what point in time would the woman know she is with child?

depends on the woman
ranges from immediately to upon birth of child

> She is Ernaldan, can she maybe feel the new life differently?

differently from what?
All pregnant women I have spoken to on the subject feel different from being not-pregnant

> Does anything special happen during childbirth biologically and cultural?

Biologically, the seemingly impossible takes place: a new person is created Culturally, your question is too vague.
Culturally, the entire community recognizes a miracle may take place if all goes well, and they have regular and special ceremonies, rituals, tabus and offerings made to the woman and her unborn child. These vary immensely from culture to culture.

> Do the runes show immediately or only upon initiation into the clan?

Upon Initiation.
A child is exposed to the magical world as a spectator during his dependency upon his parents, and around the time of puberty boys are taken to a sacred site and exposed directly to the magical world, protected by their initiated kin. Through this process the reality of the mythic world is experienced, perhaps learned, by the not-men. Upon completion of this initiation rite boys are magical beings. Their inner essence (runes) are probably clear, but for the next year the not-man takes the role/worship of any deity that he wishes. The year afterwards his elders choose the cult to follow. After that year, the runes are pretty clear, and the man is allowed to follow whomever he wishes, as usual among Orlanthi.
Girls, upon first menstruation, are isolated by her kinswomen. Since women are stronger and more important than men, and the role of the goddesses different from that of men, their methodology is always very different from the mens' rites. Among orlanthi The women spend a year at the edge of the sacred world, almost fading back and forth between worlds. They are extremely dangerous to others at this time, and are carefully tended by their kinswomen and initiated men. During this time she learns her essential magic. In the second year she takes a more active role, choosing more and as much of her spiritual self as possible.

Greg Stafford
Game Designer

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