Copper is likely quite common in Esrolia, Prax (the locals just don't know it), Pelanda, Saird, and plenty of other places. But tin is going to be rarer.
> Umath was shredded to pieces by Jagrekriand, forming among others the Shan Shan mountains and the Thunder Delta.
So some say. Fwiw, Umath's body crashed significantly north of the Thunder Delta - which means going deep into the White Sea to get your bronze (a nice twist on the amber trade). The Shan Shan are probably Kralorela's source of bronze - meaning you have to deal with potential hostile Hsunchen bands to get your bronze.
>In Western Pamaltela, we have the demise of Desero and his horde. And while the Vadrudi usually inflicted death rather than suffering it, they went everywhere and had fights everywhere.
In many places. Not everywhere. Some places you won't find them at all.
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