Waha we love you Waha we do.
When ever we are far away we always think of you.'
You're the greatest Waha, on this we all agree
You're always finding things to kill, and loads of herds of beasts.
Waha we love you Waha we do.
When ever we are far away we always think of you.'
There's no one quite like Waha, least not like Waha Khans,
You always find time for each of us and never moan or groan! (much)
Waha we love you Waha we do.
When ever we are far away we always think of you.
You're a really special Waha, of that there is no doubt,
We would worship you more often but your always out and about!
'Waha we love you Waha we do.
When ever we are far away we always think of you.'
You are the coolest Waha , you know just were its AT!!!
We know that you are mighty you're neither old or fat!
Waha we love you Waha we do.
When ever we are far away we always think of you.'
You're a very lucky Waha we really have to say not just for taming demons but
Having us all here today.
Waha we love you Waha we do.
When ever we are far away we always think of you.'
There's no one quite like Waha
This we can justly say
And so we sing this special song to make your perfect day.
Waha we love you Waha we do.
When ever we are far away we always think of you.'
Waha we love you Waha we do.
When ever we are far away we always think of you.
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